Techno Music with Junkie B

Techno Music with Junkie B من Junkie B

Junkie B

Reverb creating a wall of low frequency, the drums separating, birthing a rhythm. The crack of a snare breaks the beat and a high hat fixes the groove. An oscillator, square in shape, slices the air like only a samurai can, only to be filtered away. Sounds turn to vibrations as the heart synchronizes to the beat, the cacophony pulls forward like an addict toward its addiction... The bang of the drum, the squelch of the synth, the frequency of the storm... I am a Junkie... Recorded live @ Contaminated Studios, New York and finer venues across the world.

الفئات: الموسيقى

الاستماع إلى الحلقة الأخيرة:

The addition of an ingredient or the application of an agent in a measured dose

الحلقات السابقة

  • 6 - Dosage 
    Thu, 21 Apr 2016 - 0h
  • 5 - Hazard 
    Sat, 12 Mar 2016 - 0h
  • 4 - Harmonic 
    Sat, 13 Feb 2016 - 0h
  • 3 - Soil 
    Thu, 28 Jan 2016 - 0h
  • 2 - Degradation 
    Thu, 24 Dec 2015 - 0h
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