Gold Coast IELTS Podcast

Gold Coast IELTS Podcast من Quality IELTS exam podcasts

Quality IELTS exam podcasts

Welcome to the Gold Coast IELTS podcast. This podcast is specifically for my students living on the Gold Coast and anywhere else in the world. This is where you can find the best IELTS writing preparation tips on the web. If you have any questions, please drop me a line. Expect one or two new podcasts every week. Enjoy! Also, please visit the website at: I have podcasts, a blog, and all the Cambridge IELTS exams with all listening MP3s (Cambridge IELTS Academic 5-14).

الفئات: التعليم

الاستماع إلى الحلقة الأخيرة:

Welcome to Gold Coast IELTS in Southport and online! 

OK guys so adverbs are those words that (often but not always) end in –ly. They give us extra information about verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. Adverbs are the word that tell us how (manner), where (place), when (time), how often (frequency), or how much (intensity) something happens or is done. An adverb can be a single word ("sometimes") or a phrase ("from time to time").

So how do we use adverbs? Well, they can tell us about

1. Manner – are often formed by adding –ly to the adejctive form:

careful – carefully happy – happily

These adverbs usually come after the verb (and object if there is one).

I plan my trips very carefully. (not I plan very carefully my trips)

2. Place – usually come after the verb:

It was the first time I had been there.

Try to stay near the old part of the city.

3. Time – such as today, tomorrow, now, since 1996, or for three minutes can go at the beginning or end of a clause:

I had a very memorable trip last year. (or Last year I had a very memorable trip)

4. Frequency – usually come before the verb but after be or an auxiliary verb:

I often travel for my job.

I have always enjoyed my visits there.

He’s never late.

5. intensity – affect the strength of adjectives or adverbs


The adverbs at the stronger end of the scale (absolutely, completely, totally) can only be used with some adjectives. These tend to be ‘extreme’ adjectives that suggest a limit in their meaning (e.g. terrifying, excellent, exhausted). Other ‘non-extreme’ adjectives (e.g. frightened, good, tired) never collocate with these stronger adverbs. Compare:

There are some absolutely stunning examples of Indian silk embroidery. (not fairly stunning)

The people are very friendly. (not absolutely friendly)

Let’s take a look at this sort of grammar in an IELTS task 2 style essay.

Do you best to choose the correct option before you listen to the podcast.

Environmentalists and conservationists tell us that there are ways that each of us can help to (1) very reduce / greatly reduce our impact on the planet. We can (2) work hard / hardly work to conserve energy and we can invest in equipment to help us create our own power. People (3) say often / often say that they want to save the planet, but the only way to do this is to (4) take immediately action / take action immediately.

It is (5) really important / important really for individuals to (6) responsibly act / act responsibly and try to reduce their contribution to greenhouse gases. There are several ways we can do this. For example there are mini wind turbines that you (7) can install easily / easily can install on your roof as well as very efficient solar panels that (8) work good / work well all year round to provide electricity.

But if all this is too expensive, there are other ways to conserve energy that actually save you money. In cooler weather, simply keep the heat (9) inside safely / safely inside by closing doors after you so that the warmth doesn’t escape. It is (10) absolutely essential / very essential that we all take this seriously and do our best to lead a more sustainable life.

Answers: 1. greatly reduce 2. work hard 3. often say 4. take action immediately 5. really important 6. act responsibly 7. can install easily 8. work well 9. safely inside 10. absolutely essential

So that’s it for the Gold Coast IELTS blog for today guys. 

الحلقات السابقة

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